olin Coleman Music

Id 17789
Category antiquarian music
Author / Composer LANNER, Joseph (1801-1843)
Title Die Haimbacher. Erinnerungs-Walzer für das Pianoforte. Seiner Kaiserlichen Hoheit dem durchlauchtigsten Herrn Herrn Franz Carl, Erzherzog von Oesterreich, etc, etc, etc, in tiefster Ehrfurcht, 112tes Werk.
Place Wien
Publisher bei Pietro Mechetti qm Carlo
Publication Date [1836]
ISBN / Plate No. PMNo2791
Size Oblong folio. [i (cover illustration of Haimbach)], 12pp.
Description Quarter cloth with brown marbled card. Pictorial cover illustration of Haimbach, a group dining, two groups of musicians (serenaders and military), in a woodland.
Price £100.00

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