olin Coleman Music

Id 21078
Category second-hand music
Author / Composer DEBUSSY, Claude (1862-1918)
Title Pelléas et Mélisande. Drame lyrique en 5 actes et 12 tableaux de Maurice Maeterlinck. Partition pour chant et piano.
Place Paris
Publisher E. Fromont
Publication Date 1902
ISBN / Plate No. E1416F
Size 4to. [vii (dedication, title, index, first cast-list)], 283pp.
Description Publisher's cloth (somewhat stained, foxed and bumped). Lower inner corner of p.2 missing and lower outer corner of pp.3/4. The name of the Chef du Chant listed on the cast page as M. Albert Landry.
Reference First edition, second issue.
Price £240.00

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