olin Coleman Music

Id 27636
Category antiquarian music
Author / Composer BACH, Johann Christian (1735-1782)
Title A Third Sett of Six Concertos for the Harpsichord, or Piano Forte. With Accompaniments for two Violins and a Bass, two Hautboys and two French Horns ad Libitum. Humbly Dedicated to Mrs. Pelham and Composed by John Christian Bach, Music Master to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, Opera XIII. [Violin primo part].
Place London
Publisher Printed and sold by John Welcker
Publication Date [1777]
ISBN / Plate No.
Size Folio. [i (title)], 13pp.
Description Disbound, sewn. Engraved.
Reference First edition. RISM A/I/1 and A/I/11 B 282. BUC p.75.
Price £50.00

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