olin Coleman Music

Id 34390
Category antiquarian music
Author / Composer CORELLI, Arcangelo (1653-1713)
Title Concerti Grossi Con duoi Violini, e Violoncello di Concertino obligati, e duoi altri Violini, Viola, e Basso di Concerto Grosso, ad arbitrio, che si potranno radoppiare, Opere Sesta. XII Great Concertos, or Sonatas, for two Violins and a Violincello; or for two Violins more, a Tenor, and a Thorough-Bass, which may be doubled at Pleasure. [Violino primo del concerto grosso with the remaining parts from other editions as described below].
Place London
Publisher Printed for J. Walsh and J. Hare
Publication Date [1715?]
ISBN / Plate No.
Size Folio. [i (title)], 27pp.
Description Brown cloth. Engraved. A curiosity which we can't confirm: with the ownership signature of "Christr. Smith" also written in Greek; possibly Handel's secretary John Christopher Smith (1683-1763) or his son John Christopher Smith (1712-1795) although neither of their later signatures look like the one on this partbook. Secondo violino and basso (water-stained) del concerto grosso also Walsh & Hare (27, 27pp.); alto viola (J. Walsh, no.370, ca 1735), 27pp.; violino primo and secondo del concertino and cello del concertino (Preston, wm 1819, wm 1810, wm 1819), 34, 32, 31pp.; and with Corelli's Twelve Celebrated Consertos, as performed at the Ancient Concerts, adapted for the organ, or piano forte, by Thomas Billington, Op.9 (R. Cocks & Co., pl.nos 2520-2531, [1836], 59pp.).
Reference RISM A/I/2 and A/I/11 C 3845. BUC p.216. Marx, Catalogue raisonné no.2 (pp.20
Price £350.00

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