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JONES, William (1726-1800) A Treatise on the Art of Music; in which The Elements of Harmony and Air are practically considered, and illustrated by an hundred and fifty examples in notes, Many of them taken from the best Authors: The whole being intended as a Course of Lectures preparatory to the practice of Thorough-Bass & Musical Composition: and dedicated To the Right Honourable, &c. the Directors of the Concerts of Antient Music. Printed for the Author by W. Keymer [1784] £750.00 details
JANACEK, Leos (1854-1928) Její pastorkyňa. Opera o třech jednáních dle dramatu z ven kovského živo ta moravského od Gabriely Preissové. Klavírní výtah se zpěvy. [Simeone I/4]. Nákladem Klubu Přátel Uměni / v Komissi Nakladatelství Moj. Urbanká [1908] £750.00 details
JANACEK, Leos (1854-1928) Její pastorkyna. Opera o trech jednáních dle dramatu z ven kovského zivo ta moravského od Gabriely Preissové. Klavírní výtah se zpevy. [Simeone I/4]. Nákladem Klubu Prátel Umeni / v Komissi Nakladatelství Moj. Urbanká [1908] £750.00 details
JORGENS, Elise Bickford (editor) English Song, 1600-1675: Facsimiles of Twenty-six Manuscripts and an Edition of the Texts. Edited with Introductions by Elise Bickford Jorgens. 1-12. Garland Publishing 1986-1989 £650.00 details
JAN D'EVANGELISTE D'ARRAS (d.1654) La Philomèle Séraphique. Divisée en quatre Parties ... Sur les Airs plus nouveaux choisis des principaux Auteurs de ce temps. Avec le Dessus et la Basse. Seconde Edition, reveuë, changée, & augmentée de plusieurs Airs, & Cantiques, Par Fr. Jan l'Evangeliste d'Arras, Predicateur Capucin. De l'Imprimerie d'Adrien Quinque 1640 £600.00 details
JUGEL, Johann Friedrich (1772-1833) engraver Das Zimmer des Königs in dem Trauerspiel Don Carlos. [Etching from Decorationen auf den beiden königlichen Theatern in Berlin unter der General-Intendantur des Herrn Grafen von Brühl nach Zeichnungen des Herrn Geheimen Ober-Baurath]. [Ludwig Wilhelm Wittich] [1824?] £600.00 details
JENNENS, Charles (1700-1773) Messiah: an oratorio. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Set to Music by Mr. Handel. [HWV 56]. Printed for the Administrator of J. Watts, and Sold by T. Lowndes [1763 or after] £425.00 details
JONES, Edward (1752-1824) Lyric Airs: consisting of specimens of Greek, Albanian, Walachian, Turkish, Arabian, Persian, Chinese and Moorish National Songs and Melodies; being the first selection of the kind ever yet offered to the public). To which are added, basses for the harp, or piano-forte. Likewise are subjoined, a few explanatory notes on the figures and movements of the modern Greek Dances; with a short dissertation on the origin of the ancient Greek Music. Most respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Musters, by the editor Edward Jones. Printed for the Author, And sold at No.3, in Green-Street, near Grosvenor-Square, by G. & J. Robinson, and by John White 1804 £275.00 details
JONES, Edward (1752-1824) Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards: preserved by tradition and authentic manuscripts, from very remote antiquity; never before published. To the Bardic tunes are added Variations for the Harp, Harpsichord, Violin, or Flute: with a select Collection of the Pennillion and Englynion, Or, epigrammatic stanzas, poetical blossoms, and pastoral songs, of Wales, with English translations. Likewise a general history of the Bards and Druids, from the earliest period to the present time: with an account of their music and poetry. To which is prefixed, a copious dissertation on the Musical Instruments of the Aboriginal Britons. A new edition, doubly augmented, and improved. Printed for the Author, and Sold at No.122 in Mount Street [amended to No.3 in Green Street, Grosvenor Square] 1794 £250.00 details
JACKSON, William (1730-1803) Twelve Canzonets for two Voices, Opera Nona. Printed by Longman & Broderip, [1780]. Second edition; [with] A second Set of Twelve Canzonets for two Voices, Opera XIII. Printed & sold by John Preston, [1782?]. First edition; [and with] Twelve Songs, Opera Quarta. Printed by Longman & Broderip, [ca 1785]. £250.00 details

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