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JONES, William (1726-1800) | A Treatise on the Art of Music; in which The Elements of Harmony and Air are practically considered, and illustrated by an hundred and fifty examples in notes, Many of them taken from the best Authors: The whole being intended as a Course of Lectures preparatory to the practice of Thorough-Bass & Musical Composition: and dedicated To the Right Honourable, &c. the Directors of the Concerts of Antient Music. | Printed for the Author by W. Keymer | [1784] | £750.00 | details enquire |
JANACEK, Leos (1854-1928) | Její pastorkyňa. Opera o třech jednáních dle dramatu z ven kovského živo ta moravského od Gabriely Preissové. Klavírní výtah se zpěvy. [Simeone I/4]. | Nákladem Klubu Přátel Uměni / v Komissi Nakladatelství Moj. Urbanká | [1908] | £750.00 | details enquire |
JANACEK, Leos (1854-1928) | Její pastorkyna. Opera o trech jednáních dle dramatu z ven kovského zivo ta moravského od Gabriely Preissové. Klavírní výtah se zpevy. [Simeone I/4]. | Nákladem Klubu Prátel Umeni / v Komissi Nakladatelství Moj. Urbanká | [1908] | £750.00 | details enquire |
JORGENS, Elise Bickford (editor) | English Song, 1600-1675: Facsimiles of Twenty-six Manuscripts and an Edition of the Texts. Edited with Introductions by Elise Bickford Jorgens. 1-12. | Garland Publishing | 1986-1989 | £650.00 | details enquire |
JAN D'EVANGELISTE D'ARRAS (d.1654) | La Philomèle Séraphique. Divisée en quatre Parties ... Sur les Airs plus nouveaux choisis des principaux Auteurs de ce temps. Avec le Dessus et la Basse. Seconde Edition, reveuë, changée, & augmentée de plusieurs Airs, & Cantiques, Par Fr. Jan l'Evangeliste d'Arras, Predicateur Capucin. | De l'Imprimerie d'Adrien Quinque | 1640 | £600.00 | details enquire |
JUGEL, Johann Friedrich (1772-1833) engraver | Das Zimmer des Königs in dem Trauerspiel Don Carlos. [Etching from Decorationen auf den beiden königlichen Theatern in Berlin unter der General-Intendantur des Herrn Grafen von Brühl nach Zeichnungen des Herrn Geheimen Ober-Baurath]. | [Ludwig Wilhelm Wittich] | [1824?] | £600.00 | details enquire |
JENNENS, Charles (1700-1773) | Messiah: an oratorio. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Set to Music by Mr. Handel. [HWV 56]. | Printed for the Administrator of J. Watts, and Sold by T. Lowndes | [1763 or after] | £425.00 | details enquire |
JONES, Edward (1752-1824) | Lyric Airs: consisting of specimens of Greek, Albanian, Walachian, Turkish, Arabian, Persian, Chinese and Moorish National Songs and Melodies; being the first selection of the kind ever yet offered to the public). To which are added, basses for the harp, or piano-forte. Likewise are subjoined, a few explanatory notes on the figures and movements of the modern Greek Dances; with a short dissertation on the origin of the ancient Greek Music. Most respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Musters, by the editor Edward Jones. | Printed for the Author, And sold at No.3, in Green-Street, near Grosvenor-Square, by G. & J. Robinson, and by John White | 1804 | £275.00 | details enquire |
JONES, Edward (1752-1824) | Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards: preserved by tradition and authentic manuscripts, from very remote antiquity; never before published. To the Bardic tunes are added Variations for the Harp, Harpsichord, Violin, or Flute: with a select Collection of the Pennillion and Englynion, Or, epigrammatic stanzas, poetical blossoms, and pastoral songs, of Wales, with English translations. Likewise a general history of the Bards and Druids, from the earliest period to the present time: with an account of their music and poetry. To which is prefixed, a copious dissertation on the Musical Instruments of the Aboriginal Britons. A new edition, doubly augmented, and improved. | Printed for the Author, and Sold at No.122 in Mount Street [amended to No.3 in Green Street, Grosvenor Square] | 1794 | £250.00 | details enquire |
JACKSON, William (1730-1803) | Twelve Canzonets for two Voices, Opera Nona. Printed by Longman & Broderip, [1780]. Second edition; [with] A second Set of Twelve Canzonets for two Voices, Opera XIII. Printed & sold by John Preston, [1782?]. First edition; [and with] Twelve Songs, Opera Quarta. Printed by Longman & Broderip, [ca 1785]. | £250.00 | details enquire |
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