Author ^ v |
Title ^ v |
Publisher ^ v |
Date ^ v |
Price ^ v |
AURIC, Georges (1899-1983) | [Trois] Pastorales pour piano. | Éditions de La Sirène Musicale | 1920 | £20.00 | details enquire |
ARNE, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778) | [The Overture ... in the opera call'd The Guardian outwitted, for the ... harpsichord perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden]. | [R. Bremner] | [1764] | £10.00 | details enquire |
ANONYMOUS | [Quartet for two violins, viola and cello. In G major. Parts for the opening of the first violin, the viola and cello]. | [last quarter of the eighteenth century] | £80.00 | details enquire |
ASPLYMAYR, Franz (1728-1786) | [Quartet for two violins, viola and cello. In Bb major, RieA 13. Parts for violins, lacking viola and cello]. | [third quarter of the eighteenth century] | £100.00 | details enquire |
ALBANESE, Antoine (1729-1800) | [Les Amusements de Melpomène ou IVe Recueil d'Airs, mêlés d'accompagnements de violon, de guitarre, et des pièces de guitarre ... par Mrs. Albanèse et Cardon. Score]. | [chez M. de La Chevardière] | [ca 1770] | £120.00 | details enquire |
ARNOLD, Samuel (1740-1802) | [A Set of Progressive Lessons for the Harpsichord, or the Piano Forte expressly calculated for the ease of Beginners, Opera XII. Book 1]. | [Printed for the Author] | [ca 1785] | £150.00 | details enquire |
ASHTON, Algernon Bennet Langton (1859-1937) | Zwei Balladen für eine hohe Stimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, Op.112. No.1, Die Windsbraut (Louis Ordemann); No.2, Der Nachtwanderer (Jos. Freih. von Eichendorff). (Englische Übersetzung von Diana Valentina Ashton). | C. Hofbauer | [1898] | £12.00 | details enquire |
ARNOLD, Samuel (1740-1802) | Zorinski, as performed with universal applause At the Theatre Royal Haymarket, Op.37. The Words by the Author of the Children in the Wood. The Music Selected & Composed by DR. Arnold. Vocal score]. | Printed & sold by Preston & Son, | [1795] | £170.00 | details enquire |
AKADEMIA MUZYCZNA w LODZ | Zeszyt Naukowy, X. [Edited by Franciszek Wesolowski]. | [Zaklad Graficzny Wydawnictw Naukowych] | 1983 | £12.50 | details enquire |
ABRAHAMS, Maurice (1883-1931) | You're the most Wonderful Girl. Written by Edgar Leslie and Grant Clarke. Sung by Miss Kitty Colyer. ['Wonderful girl'. Score]. | Francis, Day & Hunter, The Maurice Abrahams Music Company | 1913 | £17.50 | details enquire |
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