olin Coleman Music

Id 32284
Category antiquarian music
Author / Composer
Title Apollo's Cabinet: or the muses delight. An accurate collection of English and Italian Songs, Cantatas and Duetts, Set to Music for Harpsichord, Violin, German-flute, &c, with Instructions for the Voice, Violin, Harpsichord or Spinet, German-flute, Common-flute, Hautboy, French-horn, Basson [sic], and Bass-Violin. Also, A Compleat Musical Dictionary, And Several Hundred English, Irish and Scots Songs, Without the Music. Volume I.
Place Liverpool
Publisher Printed and Sold by John Sadler
Publication Date 1756
ISBN / Plate No.
Size 8vo. [x (frontispiece, titles, introduction), 162pp. + 1 folding plate (between pp.14-15), + [iv (plate and explanations of graces)] between pp.12-13.
Description Polished quarter calf (front hinge/joint broken, almost detached) with marbled boards, leather label. pp.57/58 creased, torn at inner margin, and lacking lower outer corner, supplied here in photocopy. According to Smith and BUC this is an enlarged reprint of The muses delight, first published by Sadler in 1754. With bookplate of a crown and the initials "A.G.".
Reference RISM B/II p.96. BUC p.34. Smith2 p.183. ESTC T189599.
Price £250.00

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