Author ^ v |
Title ^ v |
Publisher ^ v |
Date ^ v |
Price ^ v |
NEJEDLY, Zdenek | Bedrich Smetana. I, Doma [with II, Na studiích; III, Praha a Venkov; IV, Ve Spolecnosti]. | Nákladem Hudební Matice Umelecké Besedy | 1924, 1925, 1929, 1933 | £125.00 | details enquire |
NELSON, Robert (1656-1715) | [The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice, And the nature of the preparation required: with suitable devotions. Partly collected from the ancient liturgies]. | [J. Churchill or W. Churchill] | [inter 1711-1718] | £185.00 | details enquire |
NELSON, Sidney (1800-1862) | Mary Of Argyle, Written by Charles Jefferys, Composed by S. Nelson. Sung by Mr. George Tedder at the London & Provincial Concerts. ['I have heard the mavis sing']. | Harry May, Music Publisher & Piano Forte Manufacturer | [1855?] | £10.00 | details enquire |
NELSON, Sidney (1800-1862) | The Cachucha, sung by Madame Vestris. Arranged by S. Nelson. [The Castanet song to the air of the Cachucha. 'Come, o come!". For voice and piano. Score]. | Jefferys & Co. | [1840?] | £30.00 | details enquire |
NELSON, Sidney (1800-1862) | The Leafless Tree. Ballad, sung by all the principal vocalists. ['Oh! I love to see round'. For voice and piano. Score. | D'Almaine & Co. | [1845] | £15.00 | details enquire |
NELSON, Sydney (1810-1862) | The Old Hawthorn Tree. Ballad, sung by Miss Birch, the poetry by Mrs. Abdy. ['Long years have elaps'd'. For voice and piano]. | D'Almaine & Co. | [1845] | £10.00 | details enquire |
NENNA, Pomponio (ca 1550-1613) | Madrigali. Trascritti in notazione moderna e messi in partitura, a cura di Eduardo Dagnino. | Istituto Italiano per la Storia della Musica | 1942 | £50.00 | details enquire |
NERICI, Luigi (1831-1885) | Storia della musica in Lucca dell'ab. maestro Luigi Nerici, Socia ordinario della R. Accademia Lucchese. | Tipografia Giusti | 1879 | £240.00 | details enquire |
NETTEL, Reginald | Ordeal by Music: The Strange Experience of Havergal Brian. | Oxford University Press | 1945 | £7.00 | details enquire |
NEUKOMM, Sigismund Ritter von (1778-1858) | The Stormy Petrel, Sung by Mr. Phillips, The Poetry by Barry Cornwall. Dedicated to J.B. Cramer. | Published by Cramer, Addison & Beale | [1831] | £20.00 | details enquire |
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