Author ^ v |
Title ^ v |
Publisher ^ v |
Date ^ v |
Price ^ v |
The Larks shrill notes, Sung by Mrs. Vincent at Vaux-hall. [For voice and keyboard]. | [s.n.] | [ca 1765] | £20.00 | details enquire |
Sweeter than the blushing rose. [For voice and bass accompaniment]. | CTS [i.e. Charles and Samuel Thompson] | [1775?] | £25.00 | details enquire |
Francis & Day's Album of Old Favourite Dances, No.1. With full music, Ukulele Arrangement, and Dance Descriptions. [Score]. | Francis, Day & Hunter | [1940] | £10.00 | details enquire |
Theoretical Music Calculator. | Hong Kong Music Education Publishing Co. | [1968] | £15.00 | details enquire |
L'Ariosto, la musica i musicisti: quattro studi e sette madrigal Ariosteschi. A cura di Maria Antonella Balsano, con una premessa di Lorenzo Bianconi. | Leo S. Olschki | 1981 | £15.00 | details enquire |
Raccolta di Valtz ed altri balli da sala per Violino solo, Con accto. di 2o Violino e Basso. [Parts]. | Presso Fr. Lucca | [1829] | £100.00 | details enquire |
The Union Tune Book, a selection of tunes and chants, suitable for use in congregations and Sunday Schools. Arranged by T. Clark and J.I. Cobbin. | Sunday School Union | [ca 1850] | £45.00 | details enquire |
Sommario storico e documenti relativi alle celebri cantorie antiche di Santa Maria del Fiore, opera di Donatello e di Luca della Robbia. | coi tipi dei successori le Monnier | Decembre, 1887 | £20.00 | details enquire |
Sweet is Love, Canzonet. Inscribed to Miss Graham of Chailey. [For voice and keyboard]. | Engraved, Printed and Sold by J. Fentum | [ca 1800] | £15.00 | details enquire |
Choralbuch für die evangelisch-christliche Kirche des Herzogthums Nassau. | Verlag des Geistlichen Central-Wittwen- und Wainsenfonds | 1848 | £150.00 | details enquire |
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