Author ^ v |
Title ^ v |
Publisher ^ v |
Date ^ v |
Price ^ v |
P., G.S. | The Little White Cottage or Gentle Nellie Moore. Poetry by Marshall S. Pike, Melody by G.S.P. Chorus and Piano accompaniment by J.S. Pierpont. Poetry and music by John P. Ordway. [Voice/chorus and piano score]. | Published by Oliver Ditson & Co. | 1857 | £50.00 | details enquire |
PACHELBEL, Johann (1653-1706) | Sonata No.6 in E major, Op.2, for violin, cello and piano. [Edited by Christian Doebereiner. Score and parts]. | International Music Company | [ca 1980] | £6.50 | details enquire |
PACHELBEL, Johann (1653-1706) | Variationswerke. Hexachordum Apollinis 1699 nebst Arietta in F und Ciaconnen in C und D für Cembalo oder Orgel (manualiter). Nach den Quellen neu herausgegeben von Hans Joachim Moser-Traugott Fedtke. | Bärenreiter | [1964] | £8.00 | details enquire |
PACINI, Giovanni (1796-1867) | Cavatina, Il soave e bel contento, Cantata dal Sigr. Rubini, E trasportata per voce di Soprano Con accompto. di Piano-Forte Dal Sigr. Cottra [Vocal score]. | Presso Gio. Ricordi | [1827] | £25.00 | details enquire |
PACINI, Giovanni (1796-1867) | Serenata ‘L’Amante alla Tomba’. Composta espressamente per la Siga. Adelaide Secchi Gussoni, Eseguita dalla suda. in occasione dell’Apertura del Casino Filarmonico degli Orfei. [Vocal score]. | Presso Gio. Ricordi | [1820] | £80.00 | details enquire |
PACINI, Giovanni (1796-1867), PRADHER, Louis-Barthélémy (1782-1843), etc. | Le Luth Français. Almanach Lyrique, dediée aux Dames. | Chez Louis Janet | [1821] | £150.00 | details enquire |
PADEREWSKI, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941) | Mélodie [tirée des Chants du Voyageur. Arr. par Emile Sauret]. Pour Piano et Violon, Op.8 no.3. [Score and part]. | Ed. Bote & G. Bock | [1909] | £7.50 | details enquire |
PADILLA, Jose (1889-1960), WILLEMETZ, Albert and CHARLES, Jacques | Fleur d'amour. Pour piano seul en Fox-Trot [ou One Step]. Un des succes de la Revue "Bonjour Paris de MM. Albert Willemetz. Saint Granier et J. Le Seyeux que présente M. Léon Volterra au Casino de Paris. | Editions Francis Salabert | [1925] | £10.00 | details enquire |
PAER, Ferdinando (1771-1839) | Autograph letter, signed, to the banker Monsieur [Sebastien] Valentin et Comp. Rue Louis le Grand No.11, Paris. | 31 Mars 1830 | £180.00 | details enquire |
PAER, Ferdinando (1771-1839) | Sofonisbe. Opera en II Actes, arrangé pour le Piano-Forte par C.F. Ebers. [Italian and German text]. | Chez N. Simrock | [1810?] | £180.00 | details enquire |
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